详情 - 中仿智能即将参展第19届亚太航空培训论坛(新加坡APATS 2023)

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疫情三年期间,APATS一直以线上论坛的形式为亚太乃至全球地区的航空公司和培训业务商提供交流的平台,2023年,全球航空产业全面恢复并迅速扩张,我们很高兴APATS 2023将于8月29日至30日在新加坡滨海湾金沙举行。APATS 2023将汇集来自航空公司、ATO、制造商、MRO、监管机构和培训行业的领先专家,共同探讨飞行员、机组人员和维修培训的实践经验,展示最新训练设备,以确保运行安全。

During the three years of COVID-19, APATS has been providing an online forum for communication among airlines and training business operators in the Asia Pacific and the global region. In 2023, the region’s airlines and training providers resume a rapid expansion to full operations, we are delighted that APATS 2023 will be back in-person in Singapore on 29-30 August at the Marina Bay Sands. The Asia Pacific Airline Training Symposium will bring together leading experts from airlines, ATOs, manufacturers, MROs, regulators and the training industry to promote best practice in pilot, cabin crew and maintenance training to secure operational safety.


中仿将携符合CAAC/FAA认证标准的AATD产品:CNFSimulator.AATD.D42在NO.320展位进行展出,并为来自四十多个国家和地区的航空培训运营者提供全球先进的五级FTD、IPT、ATD、FMS、G1000、VR虚拟训练器等适用于民航和通航的丰富的解决方案。此次参展的AATD展品为中仿全新推出的基于Diamond DA42机型自主研发的高级飞行训练器,符合 CAAC MH/T9011-2021 高级航空训练设备检验规范和FAA AC61-136B的研制标准。根据FAR 61-65的法规要求,AATD可替代长达20个小时的仪表飞行培训。依据CCAR AC-141-FS-2022-08的文件要求,未来航校也可以使用AATD在仪表飞行训练中替代飞行训练小时。

CnTech will showcase the AATD products that meet CAAC/FAA certification standards: CNFSimulator.AATD.D42 at booth No.320, and provide aviation training operators from more than 40 countries and regions with advanced Level 5 FTD, IPT, ATD、FMS, G1000, VR virtual trainers and rich flight training solutions apply for Civil/General Aviation. The AATD exhibit is a newly released Advanced Aviation Training Device based on the Diamond DA42 model developed by CnTech, which is compliant with the CAAC MH/T9011-2021 AATD Inspection Specification and FAA AC61-136B standards. The AATD can be used for up to 20 hours towards instrument rating training under Part 61. According to the requirements of CCAR AC-141-FS-2022-08, it will allow instrument trainees to credit training hours using an AATD.



Through the on-site display of CNFSimulator.AATD.D42, the audience will know better of the core technical capabilities of CnTech Level 5 FTD. CnTech is a long-term partner of Airbus and Boeing, at the same time, CnTech has the ability to develop data packages. CNFSimulator.FTDs has become the critical product of CnTech in the civil aviation field, with mature technology, high market share, strong stability, and mature after-sales support. In addition to products in the field of flight training, CnTech also provides simulator products for scientific research and teaching, engineering, popular science education and others. We have formed a chain consisting of more than 20 products, which can meet the needs of various products worldwide and under different civil aviation systems:



Welcome global industry customers to visit and communicate with us at CnTech booth.


Marina Bay Sands Sands Expo & Convention Centre 10 Bayfront Avenue Singapore, 018956


Fourth Floor,No.320


8月29日周二/Tuesday 29th August

07:30 - 17:45 现场登记/

Badge Collection and Onsite Registration

08:00 - 19:00 展览时间/Exhibition Hours

09:00 - 17:45 会议时间/Conference Hours

17:45 - 19:00招待晚宴(Expo Hall)/

Reception and Hospitality Evening

30号周三/Wednesday 30th August

08:00 - 16:00 现场登记/

Badge Collection and Onsite Registration

08:00 - 17:45 展览时间/Exhibition Hours

09:00 - 17:45 会议时间/Conference Hours


If you have any questions about APATS or scheduled visits, please feel free to contact us:










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